Wildlife Release

Yayasan Naga Loka provided funds for the release of several birds as part of an ongoing program to rehabilitate and release birds by the Friends of the National Parks Foundation (FNPF) (FNPF). The bird release was conducted under awig-awig, a sacred contract negotiated with the communities by FNPF and YNL to place the released birds under the guardianship of the Balinese temples, ensuring their protection from poaching.

Funding from YNL also covered logistics for government officials and monitoring by students.

The releases include a Changeable Hawk Eagle and three Brahminy Kites in September 2014 in the Lake Tamblingan area above Munduk. A Crested Serpent Eagle was released at the Besalikung Wildlife Sanctuary at Mount Batukaru. In July 2017, five Brahminy Kites and a Purple Swamp Hen were released in the Lake Tamblingan area. Another Brahminy Kite was released at Tamblingan in 2022. All of the eagles have survived and the Brahminy kites have bred. Some of these birds have been being sighted as far away as East Java.