Cultural Opportunities for Children

The Children’s Library and Learning Centre

In 2016 Naga Loka built a Library and Learning Centre for local children at Puri Lumbung.  This has become a popular place for children and youngsters from Munduk and surrounding villages to borrow and read books, establishing a love of literature and learning.   Books were provided by various donors.   We are seeking donations for a computer so the children can learn to research online.


Events have included reading visits from the Ubud Rotoractors, games, story-telling, dancing and exhibitions addressing environmental issues.   Besides local children, these events are sometimes extended to include children from remote hamlets around Lake Tamblingan and from an orphanage in Singaraja. The SVCC Indian Cultural Centre together with the Consul of India organized several events with renowned Indian dance performers and dance groups.

Cultural Opportunities for Children – Indian Dance and Yoga

In cooperation with the SVCC Indian Cultural Centre in Denpasar, the Learning Centre has offered classes in classical Indian dance and yoga, much to the delight of the local youngsters. We are seeking funding to continue this valuable cultural exchange. The ICC also donated boxes of wonderful Indian books.

New Office for the Naga Loka Foundation

The upper floor of the Children’s Library and Learning Centre became the home of the Naga Loka Foundation’s office and information centre.